summer is here
Summer is definitely here! These past 2 days had been really hot, reaching over 90 degress. Definitely the sign that summer is coming... hopefully this phase will change. Mid 80 is probably going to be the best weather instead of high 90.
Last Sunday night, I couldn't even sleep at all.. well maybe i did sleep for a bit but it felt like I was just closing my eyes but my mind was still running around, wide awake. I opened up my two windows... turned on fan (eventhough I turned it off because the noise was kind off a bit annoying), my room is still freakin hot.... like an oven.. I tossed my blanket to the floor, practically sleeping with my shorts and tshirt... but still couldn't fall asleep... Well...that lack of sleep kinda affected me during work :p I felt that my feet didn't touch the floor when i walked.... lol...i was flying..... hahahahah (i wish :-p). Anyway, I learned my lesson.. so I turned the fan on high, left it running the whole night, opened up my two windows and slept only with tshirt and undies ( :-D). I slept like a baby. Really nice....I wish it wasn't this hot... but better hot than freezing cold...