what i've been up to lately
went to snow patrol concert on sept 20, 2006. it's really been a while since i went to any music concerts. it was a nice concert. the opening band, surprisingly, was better than what i expected. Augustana, an indie rock band from illinois (i think... they didn't say where the exact place they came from...they made their first record in Atlanta, Georgia). one of their song, Boston, has been on my winamp player for this past few days. nice vocal, nice songs. i think both bands have a similar kind of music...melancholy rock.
other than that...i haven't been doing much. lazying around before school starts (by the way, school already started few weeks ago). ohh almost forgot to mention about the new season of grey's anatomy (s3). the long awaited show (well not that long as i've been watching season 1 and 2 like crazy just before the third season started. made it in time though). the third season started off a bit slow but the second episode turned out to be unexpected and interesting. McSteamy is back again and will stay for this season! found the show by accident and luckily i watched it just in time before they took it off from youtube.One more tv series that got my attention: "Heroes". i watched the first and second episodes and so far it's pretty good. here's the summary of heroes (taken from www.tv.com):
"Heroes is a serial saga about people all over the world discovering that they have superpowers and trying to deal with how this change affects their lives. The relatable superheroes include Peter Petrelli, a 30-year-old male nurse who believes can fly, Diego Medina, a 28-year-old junkie who has the ability to paint images of the future when he is high, Niki Sanders, a 33-year-old Las Vegas showgirl who can do incredible things with mirrors, Hiro Makamura, a 24-year-old Japanese comic-book geek who literally makes time stand still, D.L. Hawkins, a 31-year-old inmate who can transport himself through walls, Matt Parkman, a beat cop who can hears other people's thoughts, and Claire Bennet, 17-year-old cheerleader who defies death at every turn. Not only are they discovering what having superpowers means to them but also the larger picture of where their superpowers come from. Eventually their superpowers draw them together when they try to evade the series' antagonist who wants to harness their super-DNA for himself. Their ultimate destiny is nothing less than saving the world."
well other than that, i'm not really doing anything else...hmm my room is messy (again and will always be....). anyone wants to volunteer cleaning up my room hehehehehhe??