Monday, March 06, 2006

this and that

wow... can't believe it's been a while since my last blog. Anyhow... I watched Pride and Prejudice (BBC mini series with Colin Firth in it) last weekend and I have to admit that I really enjoy watching it, especially watching Colin Firth. He's so expressive in this film and so charming. I can't say anything yet about the newer Pride and Prejudice as I haven't seen it yet. But if all goes well, I might see it this weekend... we'll see...

On another matter, so far working in the new place has been busy and confusing. Still having difficulty on how to start the project and don't know where it ends. So far I've been diving straight to the water without knowing what's inside the water.....just trying to poke around and see where it takes me... speaking of work... i have to get ready in couple more's kind of nice to start a bit late today... but because of that... I have to stay late... :( oh well.... sigh... can't believe it's monday again... oh how i wish it's weekend already XD heheheheheh.... 5 more days to go including today...


laura tj said...
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laura tj said...

lho, emang eloe jg kerja di tempat br ya jen? kirain udah lama. kerja di mana? sama2 berjuang! it's been very confusing for me too at the new office!!