Saturday, August 19, 2006

manusia itu emang aneh

pertama kali tulis dalam bahasa indo...biasalah lagi bengong trus otak mulai deh berkeliaran ke tempat2 yg tidak diinginkan...well ini yg gue lagi pikirin...waktu masih sama x gue, 99% gue habiskan sama dia, weekends and sometimes weekdays. kalo weekdays paling ketemu abis kerja trus makan malem bareng, hang out for a bit and then gue pulang. on the other hand, weekends pasti gue abiskan ditempat dia. ga kerjaain apa2 sih.. paling waktu itu kita berdua lagi tergila2 sama game jadinya hampir pasti maen game and stay di rumah.... yah.. awal2nya sih ok but after a while gue mulai ngerasa bosen...kadang2 mau pergi keluar tapi rada males kalo disuruh pergi sendirian dan lagi gue tau dia ga suka shopping/jalan2 (what's wrong with men and shopping??). i have to admit di pertengahan hubungan... gue dah mulai ngerasa bosen and ga begitu exciting...rasanya tiap weekends gue mau spent sendirian aja... but ga pernah gue sampaikan perasaan gue ke dia... (that's my fault... :-( lack of communication i guess, ditambah lagi gue orangnya suka nyimpan everything for myself... jadinya apa yg gue ucapkan keluar belom tentu mencerminkan apa yg gue rasakan dihati). well can't do anything about that anymore :p sudah menjadi history....
while at this moment, kebetulan gue lagi deket ama 1 org...well bisa dibilang dia itu part-time bf lah... so many things yg buat dia jadi pt bf:
- tempat tinggal dia yg bisa dibilang jauh abis dari tempat gue... 1 jam-an driving (+/- macet)
- kerjaan dia yg bikin hubungan kita absolutely no-no...(yah bisa dibilang hubungan antara guru and murid.. kalo ketauan...ditanggung sendiri resikonya).
- trus dia itu juga super sibuk baik itu ada hubungan ama kantor ato ama hobinya ato diminta tolong ama temennya
well gue emang ketemu ama dia tiap hari di tempat kerja.. but we can't do anything during that time...jadi paling2 ketemu either sabtu or minggu buat hang out for a moment (well i know he's trying hard)... sigh...terus terang sekarang gue ngerasa bosen abis hahahahahah... aneh tapi nyata... dulu gue pengen banget bisa spent time sendirian ehhhh gitu dikasih kesempatan... malah maunya yg lain... :-(
kesimpulan gue.... manusia itu emang aneh...dikasih a minta b, dikasih b malah minta a....jadi maunya apa ya?? hmmm entah kenapa gue tiba2 lagi pengen clubbing nih... hehehehe.. udah lama bgt ga keluar2...

just a small note: tadi gue barusan pergi ke pacific place... trus gue sempetin ke Barnes&Noble.. lagi browsing buku2 sci-fi/ fantasy eh tiba2 ada 1 orang cowo muncul disebelah gue and start talking about book covers, and why i like fantasy books, and other stuff...guenya yg lagi baca enak2 terpaksa harus ngeladenin itu orang deh... dari aksennya gue tebak orang eropa.. after gue liat tampangnya emang ternyata org eropa..
him: "why do certain books have different covers?.. just like this one.. (showing me a book and comparing to others)"
me: "uhhh.. maybe it's from different publishers or some of them are old edition?"
him: "..... well you know that you can't judge book by its cover but sometimes we look for nice cover rather than an ugly one..."
me: nodding
him: "why do you like to read fantasy?"
me: " i like the story and it's fun to read"
him: "true.. it makes you feel powerful and strong...i like to read about ancient egyptian books...there's one book that's really nice.. " and he start babbling about that books and author....while i'm still trying to read my book...
him: "do you like art?" ehhhh... what's the relation between art and fantasy???
me: "well i know about some general stuff...define what kind of art are you talking about?" -->art = drawing.. that's what i have in mind
him: "oh.. i like comedy.. improv and acting... that's part of art itself"
me: " ahh i see.. i like music myself..."
him: "why music?"
me: "why not? i play piano so that's why i like it..."
him: "i can see that... " (kesannya dia tau kalo gue bisa main piano...liat dari mana coba??)
him: "where do you come from?"
me: "from indonesia... and where do you come from?"
him: "romania"
me: "oh.. so you are from eastern europe"
him: "impressive... you know your geography.. you have to know not many americans know about it. i do admit that i don't know much about america and all the states. I just went to utah and...(somewhere else...i forgot what other state he went besides utah). how about you? have you ever been there?"
me: "uhh not really.. i've only been to california" well that's half true...he doesn't need to know about it.
him: "why do you like west coast?"
me: "i like the weather i guess... not as cold as east coast"
him: "yeah me too... i also like the weather"
me: laughing......put my book back into the shelf....i have a feeling that the more i stay there the more chance that he will probably ask me out to have a drink or something
me: "ok.. i have to go now..."
him: "oh.. what's your name by the way?"
me: "jennifer"
him: "i'm chris... nice talking to you.." while extending his hand...
me: "nice meeting you ... bye" gladly walk away and at the same time feeling a bit annoyed that i can't read my book in peace... blahhh

uggghh.. is he trying to hit on me??? well he's not that bad looking but not that good looking either ...definitely not my type... he's short (well a bit taller than me) and the way he dresses himself...wearing such an ugly bright colored tshirt... *shudder* you are out of my list boy!!! go and find some other chicks!!!


oTTeR said...

menarik sekali blog elo...
sori yah tadi ga nemenin ke downtown. abisnya gw sendiri memang ga hobi shopping sih. mungkin kapan2 kita bisa bareng ke alderwood ato factory outlet soalnya sunny pengen ke sana tuh, dia ga pernah ke sana. gw ga hobi shopping jadi gw perlu temen yg hobi shopping buat temenin dia. huahuaha

hope you have a relaxing weekend.

btw, menarik sekali yah ketemu sama orang di b&n. pengalaman amat sangat menarik :p

ferrr said...

hahahahah no prob nis... gue tadi ke downtonw juga ga ngapa2in... cuma window shopping doang :p kebetulan hari ini cerah and panas :) good day for a walk hehehehe...well anytime you guys wanna go shopping... just let me know ;-) iyeee itu orang satu... a bit annoying... abisnya gue mau baca tenang2 ehhh malah harus temenin dia ngobrol :(... ga kesampaian deh niat gue hiksss...