Wednesday, November 01, 2006

some people...

That I’m crazy. Its often very simple like that.

Some people say that I’m true.
Some people call me quiet.
Some people know I’m a friend.
Some people realize who I am.

Yet no one knows, as my life is often changing.
They witness, as my reality zips on by.
Everything changing at the drop of a dime.
I wonder, is living life my only crime?

No one would know. It is often lost in the past.

No one would know
The simple thoughts I shared with them
No one would know
The moment I stood behind them, without ever being there
No one would know
The feeling I had when I looked them in the eye
No one would know
if I was just dreaming, losing myself in believing

Yet they see me, wandering through life and asking questions
They ponder my actions, as much as I wonder about my own
Every step, leading to another, a question upon itself
and I find myself being the only one who reached the answer

So I ask, if not for myself, would I still ask for you?

I simply accept life,
one step at a time
I move forward
taking a breath
and viewing the world again
from a vantage no one shares

and I care
to look back,
to reach out
and hope
that I’ll find someone
just like you


oTTeR said...

are these lyrics to a song? very thoughtful and reflective!

ferrr said...

it's not lyrics... it's a poem by barry hurd. found it accidentally and like what he wrote. reflection of what i felt when i read it couple days ago.

oTTeR said...

how are you doing? it's been a while since we last had time to chat, thanks to our opposite schedules. hope your days have been going well, roomie.
enjoy the rainy weekend! :)