Sunday, April 08, 2007

winning a battle, losing the war

I thought finding an apartment would be a fun and easy but no. it's such a pain in the ass to find one around Auburn. Went to auburn yesterday to look for one and either they don't have a 1 bedroom or the neighborhood/management is bad. There's 1 apt that I almost signed the lease around green river community college. We went back again to drop the application but on our way to the manager, there's one lady who told us not to do it. Apparently her daughter is staying in one of the unit and she has so many problems and the management just doesn't seem to care. Ok... so we backed out of it. Decided to drive around more. Couple good places but they just don't have a 1 bed available at the moment. then we decided to try Kent. the first place looked ok. so we stopped and took a tour around the apt complex. overall the apt looks good so i signed the application and gave deposit. I was happy... but i was browsing the apartment ratings at night and found out more about that place. turned out to be pretty bad. only 18% recommend that place... uhhh that's not a good sign, especially after i read all the reviews. Called my bank and put a stop to the check. I just have to call them in the morning and let them know that i'm not going to take that unit.

so now... back to square one again...don't feel like looking around that area anymore... might as well just stay around seattle.. at least I know the neighborhoods. The only thing that I can't stand is the commute. well let me rephrase that.. i don't mind the commute YET..the fact that I have to fill my gas tank every 4-5 days is starting to kill me. But i think i need to find place closer to my work soon before I-5 N is closed (2-3 lanes) around august for 3 weeks. just imagine the traffic back's going to be a nightmare.


laura tj said...

happy easter and happy apartment hunting! g ketinggalan berita bgt nih udah lama ga browsing blogs.. pa kbr? loe krj di mana sih? br dpt promotion yah? congrats!

oTTeR said...

so sorry to hear that you didn't find an apt yet :(
it's pretty tough yah... ciayo!!!
hope that you'll cope with the commute. how's the work going so far?