feeling guilty....
ok....i admit that it's been a while since i've updated this blog. at first, i was busy with school applications. yep i'm going back to get my master degree in business administration (MBA). it was tough to select the schools but not as tough as preparing the applications: had to study for GMAT, had to write essays (special thank you to someone that helped me with all the essays), had to ask my manager and my former supervisor for recommendation letters (thank goodness i was still keeping in touch with tyler), and had to prepare all the supporting documents. i'm applying for 3 out of state b-schools and 1 in Seattle (Seattle U) just because if I didn't get into any of the top schools, I will still pursue MBA from Seattle U and I can still work while getting my degree (part time school). I'm crossing my fingers to hear from those schools any time soon. *I've been accepted to Seattle U for Spring 2008... so hopefully i'll hear something back from the other schools whether I'm accepted or not before SU starts.
School applications was the main reason but other than that, i admit i'm kinda lazy to do anything these days. my apartment is the perfect example for my laziness. living room is a mess (papers and pet stuff everywhere), kitchen is definitely needing some hard core cleaning. bedroom and bathroom are the 2 places that look slightly in good condition. yeah.. i think i'm going to start cleaning my kitchen first pretty soon.the movie from Ang Lee that i've been really curious to see. an espionage love story/ thriller set in WWII-era Shanghai. It was a really good movie. The story line was well made, the acting was great, good visualization and i'm loving it. a must see movie. kinda surprised me with the explicit content. Usually asian movies tend to be really hush hush about sex scene but this one is almost to the point of pornographic actually. an artistic and well made one though.
I have 2 new family members, remy and samy. it's really hard to take a good picture of rats just because they move around so much. i don't really know what prompted me to adopted rats. i think House M.D. is one of the reason (just because he had rat as a pet). the other reason is that i can't resist them every time i go to pet store to get food for my pigs. I adopted remy first but the next day i decided to get him his cagemate, samy. both of them are really cute and smart. i let them running around my shoulder (for some reason they like to hide under my hair and if i'm wearing any sweater with hood, they will jump into the hood and just stay there).
*i'm listening to disney's old songs right now... makes me want to watch all the classic disney again: beauty and the beast, little mermaid, aladdin, lion king, tarzan, etc
1 comment:
new pets!!! so cute!!! and they're pretty too. similar to your pigs as well, from the pic.
congratulations on your acceptance to SU! wow, everybody's taking MBA! good luck on your other schools :)
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