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What do I want with my life? I'm approaching the big 3 in couple more years and I feel that I haven't accomplished a lot of things. According to X and Y (based on their conversations to me), I'm kinda a failure in their eyes. All of their friends' kids have either already married or found themselves a nice and successful future spouses to be. While me? single (and couldn't find a boyfriend that they like), jobless and just keep draining their money for my study. I should just say "fuck you all" and "leave me alone" but I couldn't. I'm trying my best and I wish they would pat me on my back and say "good job" once a while. Sighhhh.....
So back to the question: I'm hoping I can land myself a good job after I'm done with my MBA. Something that relates to the degree and pays well :) I might have to expand my search nationwide and even worldwide. I'm not sure if I"m ready to move away from US but we'll see where the wind drops me off. Outside from career, I want to find myself a good boyfriend :) someone who can listen to my "complaints and nags" and will love me forever and ever :) (that sounds like a fairy tale)
anyway, school started today and so many readings to read! i'm already behind my readings and it's not even 1 week yet :p It's going to be a busy summer. I think I'm signing myself up for more than what I can handle
It's hard to refute the opinion of X and Y, huh?
Well, if the opinion of some random, anonymous commenter has any value (though I dread living in a world where it does), I'm rather impressed by you, you know.
Thank you anonymous for your support :) which I'm sure I know who you are ;)
You only think you know who I am because you think I'm obsessed with you! :P
but I'm really only half obsessed with you - so you're half right
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