Saturday, September 16, 2006

grey's anatomy

Just finished watching Grey's Anatomy: Season 2. Can't wait for the third season to come :-) So far it's pretty good...really like the stories, and the characters. oh and i also love the songs! I downloaded every songs from season 1 and season 2 plus the OST 1 and 2 :-p talk about being maniac.....or addicted.... :-p

for the moment.. can't have enough of the ending (S2). The last 2 songs: grace and chasing cars are really perfect for the last scenes.

I'm on my knees
only memories
are left for me to hold

Dont know how
but Ill get by
Slowly pull myself together

Theres no escape
So keep me safe
This feels so unreal

Nothing comes easily
Fill this empty space
Nothing is like it seems
Turn my grief to grace

I feel the cold
Loneliness unfold
Like from another world

Come what may
I wont fade away
But I know I might change

Nothing comes easily
Fill this empty space
Nothing is like it was
Turn my grief to grace

Nothing comes easily
Where do I begin?
Nothing can bring me peace
Ive lost everything
I just want to feel your embrace


oTTeR said...

everyone is addicted to grey's anatomy :D it's guilty pleasure for sure!!! hahaha

laura tj said...

grey's anatomy bagus yah? g di-copy-in season 1 & 2 tp blm sempet nonton tuh.. skrg lagi tergila2 sama prison break! nonton ga?

Anonymous said...

ahhhh, yes, ah-dic-tion...
at it's finest...
I think I win, seven episodes in one day and then six the next...and then five the next!
any way you might share the music? where from?

ferrr said...

the music that i put in here? it's "grace" by kate havnevik. they put her other song also in the S2 ep 25 or 26....i'm not sure. if you like the song, you can try download the second OST. they put grace inside the album.