Thursday, September 20, 2007

high maintenance bitch?

couple days ago, i had my nails done after a long day at work. i think it's nice to pamper yourself once in a while. so this morning, one of my guy coworker came to me and asked if i had my nails done. i said yes and asked him why. he and his friend think that girls that have their nails done are high maintenance girls. apparently his ex girlfriend was like that.

so i'm curious right now. it's true that when I stepped inside the nail salon close to my apt, most of the women there were pretty much like trophy wives or from well-off family. you can tell from what they wear and how they carry themselves. but then again, queen anne is quite a ritzy area. i bet if the nail salon is located in aurora or poor neighborhood, it's going to be a different story.

i can't really say that having your nails done mean that you are a one high maintenance girl. for me, it's just a fun things to do to pamper and make myself prettier. i haven't even thought about the subject until my coworker said that to me.

1 comment:

laura tj said...

halo jen! to answer your question, pls feel free to join in PIF! you don't have to be a crafter to join in, you know! i'm not a crafter / designer either, gw jg masi blm tau mau bikin apa hihihi.. nothing fancy kok as long as you have fun. besides, you have 365 days :) let me know if you're still interested!