Tuesday, January 09, 2007

new year or just another day?

For some reason I dont feel this new year as really a NEW year....seems like another day. come and go without any meaning. lots of people make new year resolutions such as exercise more or have a healthy lifestyle. but for this year i dont really have any resolutions to make.. well i kinda decided to be more positive towards my life. start to stop worrying about small stuff. what's the point of worrying about your life 5 years from now and forget that you have today to worry about. sometimes i tend to do that. thinking way ahead of me and start worrying what if x happens or y happens and doubts slowly creeping their way into my head.
Live each day as if it were your last day on earth. I read that quote just a little while ago. I've spent, seemingly every day of my life living for tomorrow. Planning for the future. Part of the future that I planned for long ago is now here and it's nothing like what I've planned. I was too worried about tomorrow that sometimes i missed the fun that life can bring. What if there's no tomorrow? we aren't guaranteed a tomorrow, not ever. tomorrow may never come, and then i will have wasted my today.
well anyway...i'm just hoping that everything will turn out to be okay for this year.

1 comment:

laura tj said...

jen, happy new year! peace, love and happiness be with you always! g nemu artists kebanyakan browsing kali yahhh, browsing blog & flickr jg, klo nemu di majalah hehehe.. xmas ini ga pulang ya loe? g sempet libur 3 minggu pulang jkt.