Saturday, June 30, 2007


My long awaited tickets have finally arrived yesterday. one for Michael Buble and the other one is for Amy Winehouse. I was browsing and found out that he is coming to Seattle (aug 28 and 29). at that time, i was interested to see his show but still thinking about it. by the time i made up my mind, both shows were sold out but i noticed that he added 1 extra day. so i made up my mind and bought the ticket. the 1st concert that I'm going to see it by myself. at the same time, when i was searching for MB, i found out that Amy Winehouse is going to give her first US tour and seattle is one of the cities. I like her voice and decided to just go for it. Can't wait for both of them.


Missy said...

no wayyyyy you got tickets to michael buble??? Huaaaa niceeee!!! Amy winehouse and paulo nutini too!!! I like paulo nutini's songs better than Amy winehouse hahaha. Wah so lucky!

Anonymous said...

we finally got tickets to buble too through crsigslist. so excited.