Thursday, January 26, 2006

energy + motivation

Motivation. This is what I need right now but how do you motivate yourself? Is it by thinking positive thing or just keep saying to yourself that you can do it over and over? Do days of the week also count? I read somewhere that people got a lot of energy to work usually on either tuesday or wednesday. Thursday, it's going down and by Friday, usually people just want to go home early. I noticed that trends in here, especially on friday. Most floor people usually add couple more hours to their work schedule so that they can go home early on Friday. The same thing goes for me I guess. I don't know what happen to me today but I feel like I just want to go home early today and rest. So tired and sleepy. I almost called-in sick this morning....woke up at 5:30 am and then decided to go back to sleep until 7:00 am. If my roommate didn't leave her room, I would still be sleeping. The tempation was so great today of not going to work but my heart/conscience told me to work instead of sleeping in :p blah.....So got to work on time and did my job but the problem was that my mind was wandering somewhere else.....which is my bed....and when it did that....suddenly I felt tired, my body felt heavy....'s a signal that I need to get enough sleep.

Is there any connection between energy and motivation? I think there is. If you don't get enough sleep you won't have enough energy to do your job and because you don't have enough energy, your body feel tired and when your body feel tired, you don't feel like you want to do anything which results in lack of motivation to do your job. Can I assume like that? I don't know...but it does make sense to me. The only thing that I can do right now is trying to motivate myself back to work listening to music (that sometimes help) or keep saying to myself over and over again that I need to get my act together and work! 1 and 15 more minutes doesn't seem so bad @_@


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